
Friday, July 24, 2009

a wonderful dream!

Now you know I had more secrets than you thought ha! well this is one of the sneak peeks to another of my many secrets! if you hang around you might get know me more, but in the mean while check this houses out! if you want a closer look at them just click ONCE in the picture to open it then if you want to make it bigger click ONCE over the pictures and it should automatically increase the article. Move the cursor in order to see the enlarged article.

Is NOT necessary to actually read the article to appretiate the houses and the inside decoration, but if you want to read it you may do so.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

back from the dark

Have you ever felt that you where walking through a dark space? in said space you are walking alone, no one is there to hear you if you scream, see you cry or cause any disturbance of any kind?; although darkness usually means the evil side or wicked things it is not the whole definition or representation.
darkness also represents loneliness, feeling lost, confused, uncertainty, fear or calm; is were you can find yourself, look inward and see what is bothering you, try to find solutions to your problems in the calm that the darkness brings and think clearlly. Many poets, artist, sculptors and even writers had previously found their inspiration in the darkness of the night.
although darkness is not all bad or good, it certaintly made it think that I was walking through the darknesss because I felt at loss on how to deal with my reality, my situations and the people I meet in my daily life.

Friday, July 17, 2009

news around the world

As you all know the world is in constant change and we have to keep up with it or be one step ahead of what goes around the globe as well as within the country. if I where to cover every single issue or problem in a single post I would need A LOT of space to be able to cover all the topics so every 1 to 2 weeks all post a single issue, my own opions about the problems and its possible roots, and you let me know what are YOUR OWN opions about the subject at hand. You could leave a comment or through the chat but in the comment box you can write longer! so if I'm in we could chat through the blue box at the bottom of the blog. you are invited to leave any ideas about the next topic or the choice of topic itself!
today's topic is :
the unemployment rate in the U.S
As uncertain as the future is, finding a job or keeping a job now days has become almost impossible. Keeping a job now has become of primary importance to everyone given the battered state the economy is in; what's worse is that not only the economy of the U.S has been affected but also in a world wide perspective as well.
I read an article the day before in were all the states most affected by the rate of unemployment were shown in percentages with Michigan at the leading head with 15%; the rates for the west and mid- west are in recent dates from the 10% and up, while the south which usually had a lower percent now has 9% (I think that's the right #) and the east and northeast has a 8.5%*
I would say something more about the topic but I lost the article I was reading so I can't remember the exact states that are in a more depressing shape than us. Well this all so far, I know it is poor but if have any suggestions about next the topic go right ahead and write them or any comments for that matter.
* the number may be .2 more or less - can't remember with accuracy at the moment.

the secret of perspective

ok so I seen this particular picture around so I wanted to make a comment on it or else I might explode! girls and boys alike pay special attention what I'm giving you tonight...
since is in spanish I'll translate and for the ones that don't need the translation you can read it for yourself.
"Never make a woman cry
because God counts her tears
the woman came out from the rib
of the man
not the from the feet to be step on
nor from the head to be superior
but rather from one side
to be his equal, under an arm
to be protected and next to
the heart to be loved"
As luck would have it many of us have the wrong idea that love is like a battle for dominance, control, or simple misunderstanding of the concept or our partnes. Why I'm saying this?
both genders tend to feel that we don't "understand" what the other is saying (mostly men) or feel "misunderstood" (mostly us girls). ladies, we both know that we might feel superior to man because we are in touch with our feelings, while you gentlemen feel that we are overly emotional. If you still think that way, you are going to rub the oppposite sex the wrong way; sure, for us women is important to show our emotions because as I read in story once " the heart of a woman is one of the most fragile and strongest thing in the world and is capable of a thousand wonders" is what kept the world glued together, because of the joy and happiness we can bring to man's life.
now gentleman you might not feel comfortable showing your emotions but that doesn't mean that you don't have any! (girls take notes) though any man who is brave enough to show his emotions has my admiration and my applause (along with many other girl's) though is certaintly not easy for you is not impossible. it is true that a guy prefers to be usually rational or assertive or "alert mode" than deal with emotions since you know those aren't particularlly your strong point or may feel that you have no control whatsoever if you deal with them. the only way to reach your partener is through some compromise of your own and understanding that even though you have different natures you can still deal well with each other, but understanding is the key to solve many minor injuries that occur in a relationship or dating scene- seek to understand and you shall be understood, those are things that will save a guy many headaches, irritation and groveling to do, and save the hurt feelings, desapointment and anger on your part ladies.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

my private world

In my daily existance there is nothing really more enjoyable for me than to be able reach out to those I care about and share with them what's on my mind. Sure, I usually don't share my inner world with you guys, not because i didn't love you but because I was been a little selfish. Well!! that is OVER and I'm about to show you the inner world I created in my mind and its many layers; it may sounds boring and typical of me to just want to talk about any topic, but this is not just for me this is also for you. In this method i try to reach out and come out of my shell to you, sort of like bridge, were you can tell me anything you want, any comments, opinions, ideas, etc.
Guys this is specially made for those who don't seem to "get me" in any way, THROUGH THIS BLOG I'll be revealing my inner world that is very special to me - which is why i kept hiden from all of you and only a rare few unique people knew about it; but hey! I would like to share this special place that is part of me to you, so don't dispear or get mad at me plz! save those tomatoes and eggs for another person! feel free to commnent on any post i'll be happy to hear your opinions and thoughts! till next