a colorful and exciting new world open to anyone of the people I care the most. that is my friends and family - a form to free my inner musings and my so accused private fantasies. cheers for all of us.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Please forgive this poor soul for having such a misfortune in her life and hopefully i would finish with everything i have to finish!
I am impelled not to squeak like a gratefull and apologetic mouse, but to roar like a lion out of pride in my profession!.
John Steinbeck
Monday, September 21, 2009
new stuff!

I just finish listening to a bunch of songs that really made my day as lazy as possible! Of all the things i could do I chose to be lazy! (sounds pathetic and awful but i liked my day so to hell with what the rest thinks) so for the music fanatics i will list the songs (maybe they'll like it if not all is good too) but the thing you have to remember with songs is that is not just a piece of lyrics is a STORY told in rhythms for us to listen.
Haven't you ever stopped in your tracks and listened to a song that takes back in time to a different place or that makes you think about your current situation or what you are going through? I sincerely hope that in the world still exist people who understand this complex and at the same time simple language.
the list:
- At the begining- dana Lewis & Marx
- The little things- colbie colliet
- Surrender -
- Take a bow- Leona lewis
- Fallin' for you- Colbie Colliet
- Hurt- Christina aguilera
- Right where you want me- Jessy McCartney
- Don't stop the music- Rihanna
- Can't fight the moonlight-
- Genie in a bottle- Christina aguilera
- All or nothing- O-town
- i turn to you - Christina Aguilera
- Because of you- Kellie klarckson
- Cry- Mandy Moroe
- Becuase you live- Jessy McCartney
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
I'm back

Sunday, August 16, 2009
the job rate among college graduates!
During these hard economic times we find ourselves with the desperate need to find and keep our jobs no matter how poorly the pay or crappy it is. those who are more fortunate (I'm lucky to say i belong in this category) have a steady job that pays well and help us to cover the bills till next month. while some of us are lucky in that department, others aren't- specially those who graduated not long ago or the 2009 graduates many of them tells their story in how they try to solve THEIR economic crisis while their dream job (which they studied so hard to earn)hasn't appeared yet.
Some have adjusted and have found pretty good temporary solutions while the crisis is in full swing- so lets take a look at what are they facing, their frustrations and some of the solutions they have come up with.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
is to die laughing
first you must go down to the bottom of the page and stop the music been played in order to be able to hear the video properlly!
Friday, July 24, 2009
a wonderful dream!
Now you know I had more secrets than you thought ha! well this is one of the sneak peeks to another of my many secrets! if you hang around you might get know me more, but in the mean while check this houses out! if you want a closer look at them just click ONCE in the picture to open it then if you want to make it bigger click ONCE over the pictures and it should automatically increase the article. Move the cursor in order to see the enlarged article.
Is NOT necessary to actually read the article to appretiate the houses and the inside decoration, but if you want to read it you may do so.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
back from the dark

darkness also represents loneliness, feeling lost, confused, uncertainty, fear or calm; is were you can find yourself, look inward and see what is bothering you, try to find solutions to your problems in the calm that the darkness brings and think clearlly. Many poets, artist, sculptors and even writers had previously found their inspiration in the darkness of the night.
Friday, July 17, 2009
news around the world

the secret of perspective

Thursday, July 16, 2009
my private world

Guys this is specially made for those who don't seem to "get me" in any way, THROUGH THIS BLOG I'll be revealing my inner world that is very special to me - which is why i kept hiden from all of you and only a rare few unique people knew about it; but hey! I would like to share this special place that is part of me to you, so don't dispear or get mad at me plz! save those tomatoes and eggs for another person! feel free to commnent on any post i'll be happy to hear your opinions and thoughts! till next