
Monday, September 21, 2009

new stuff!

I just finish listening to a bunch of songs that really made my day as lazy as possible! Of all the things i could do I chose to be lazy! (sounds pathetic and awful but i liked my day so to hell with what the rest thinks) so for the music fanatics i will list the songs (maybe they'll like it if not all is good too) but the thing you have to remember with songs is that is not just a piece of lyrics is a STORY told in rhythms for us to listen.

Haven't you ever stopped in your tracks and listened to a song that takes back in time to a different place or that makes you think about your current situation or what you are going through? I sincerely hope that in the world still exist people who understand this complex and at the same time simple language.

the list:
  1. At the begining- dana Lewis & Marx
  2. The little things- colbie colliet
  3. Surrender -
  4. Take a bow- Leona lewis
  5. Fallin' for you- Colbie Colliet
  6. Hurt- Christina aguilera
  7. Right where you want me- Jessy McCartney
  8. Don't stop the music- Rihanna
  9. Can't fight the moonlight-
  10. Genie in a bottle- Christina aguilera
  11. All or nothing- O-town
  12. i turn to you - Christina Aguilera
  13. Because of you- Kellie klarckson
  14. Cry- Mandy Moroe
  15. Becuase you live- Jessy McCartney

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I'm back

I feel like this wolf right now- content but bored at the same time, looking at the rest of the people pass by waiting for something or someone (I know what I'm waiting for but I'm not telling). Wanting to pounce and play but too lazy to get up at the moment - A girl or a wolf must a break once in a while don't you think?
Well it has come to my attention that while the Bush administration was still in the government they disabled some federal laws protecting this poor specie and even though the animal protectors and reservations are doing all they can I fear it won't be enough to keep them save- in my opinion they should restored them back to the Yellowstone so they would be save plus they won't bother anyone except the turists ajaj-
let us keep what we have in this earth for future generations to come so they will be able to see them too with their own eyes instead of a book.
We all love our canine best friends so let us remember that this is its ancestor, without them our best friends wouldn't exist or other canine species as well.
The unfortunate thing is that is this species that have been in the legends, myths, scary bed time stories, etc and their real personality or characteristics had been miscontrued by this since we think they are ferocious, fearless, fierce and intimidating but its far from the truth of their real personalities.
By the way this one of my favorite animals in the animal kingdom- if you leave a note or a comment let me know which one is yours!