
Sunday, August 16, 2009

the job rate among college graduates!

During these hard economic times we find ourselves with the desperate need to find and keep our jobs no matter how poorly the pay or crappy it is. those who are more fortunate (I'm lucky to say i belong in this category) have a steady job that pays well and help us to cover the bills till next month. while some of us are lucky in that department, others aren't- specially those who graduated not long ago or the 2009 graduates many of them tells their story in how they try to solve THEIR economic crisis while their dream job (which they studied so hard to earn)hasn't appeared yet.

Some have adjusted and have found pretty good temporary solutions while the crisis is in full swing- so lets take a look at what are they facing, their frustrations and some of the solutions they have come up with.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

is to die laughing

hey! I'm sorry I had been absent for some time but I'm currently working on another post that will be posted in a later date because i haven't finish it; but I promise that it will be as soon as possible. For now I will leave you with a video that I found hilarious, I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
first you must go down to the bottom of the page and stop the music been played in order to be able to hear the video properlly!